Getting to know the company you hire to perform work on your property is very important. When you work with chemicals whether they are all natural or not you want to make sure to hire a company that is highly knowledgeable.

Kavanaugh Organic Tick Control L.L.C provides tick and mosquito spraying to residential and commercial customers all across Long Island. Our goal is to educate customers on who we are and what we provide so they feel 100% comfortable and satisfied. We want our clients to get to know us for several reasons. As a small business on Long Island reputation means everything. We want to know our clients on a first name basis and be happy once we pull up. Kavanaugh Organic Tick Control L.L.C was founded by James Kavanaugh. Born and raised on Long Island James prides himself on ridding your properties of ticks and mosquitoes. Summertime flies by in a minute it seems so spending as much time outdoors is what most Long Islanders desire. Our team is confident that we have the skills, knowledge and experience to rid your property of ticks and mosquitos.

Get To Know Us


1- Social & Marketing:

Social media has become a great way to show your work and communicate with past and present customers. You can find Kavanaugh Organic Tick Control L.L.C on Instagram, Facebook and Google Maps. Please feel free to like us on social media for updates within our company. We have also hired Long Island SEO Company, Benjamin Marc to help boast search engine rankings.

2- Special Events:

Do you have a special event coming up? A wedding, birthday party or any outdoor event that you don’t want to invite ticks or mosquito to? We have a special events spraying service that will come and spray your property the day of your event. Our products will dry within 30 minutes of treatment and be applied to your property well before your guests arrive. Simply click here for more information and call us to reserve your time.

We hope that this article helped you get to know us better. Please give us a call to book a free consultation anytime.

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